Selasa, 07 April 2009

Forty Days in SMAN I Metro.

Did you know? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
In the first time, when I heard that my name was including in the group of SMAN 1 Metro, I felt surprise!!!!
I thought that it was a big challenge for me to improve my skill there….
The first day, I and my friends came in SMAN 1 Metro to introduce ourselves and to know about SMAN 1 Metro.
The second day, I met with my leading teachers; they were Mr. Arman Sihaloho and Mrs. Murdaita.
Mr. Arman Sihaloho is one of good English teachers in SMAN 1 Metro. As usual, he is called Mr. Loho. He is Batakness. Many students like with him, because he is patient, calm, diligent and humorist teacher. Besides, I like with him because he’s discipline teacher.
For Mrs. Murdaita, She is beautiful English teacher. She is padangness and she has same as Mr. loho. She is smart, patient, and humorist. For the first until the end days, many experience and knowledge that I’ve gotten there…..
Praise my gratitude to my God (Allah S.W.T) how beautiful moment that given to me. In this nice memory, I would like to say thanks for:
1.All My lecturers of State Islamic College Metro, who have given to me this a good chance.
2.Mr. Loho and Mrs. Murdaita thanks for all that have given to me. In my future, I wanna be like you. Once more, I’ld like to say thank you so much….
3.For my beloved students, for X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 Thanks for a good response that have given to me. For X1, Albert, putra, vito, and all students. For X2, andhika, annas, annisa, cicilia, didik, hasan, novita, pratiwi, imron, kharisma and all students. For X3, Lizerio, arpin, mbah (akbarul adha), benazier, yulis, wike, rahma, fitriana, thanks for a nice song (You raise me Up). For X4, Yuniar, sulestio, yunita, azizah, adi, aviana, ayu, bima, irfan, duha, julian, yayang. And for X5, aditya, agnes, aidil, david, edo, imroatin, M.faizul, findo, rova, trindo, wildan, yandrie. For X6, Ummu, Ucong, reni, Olive, Rozela, alan, prabu, ridho, I’m so sorry that I can’t say one by one students. I will remember the first until the end meeting.
4.For all my friends sofwan, syarif, iqbal, octa, icha, lea, and muth…. Thanks for all, may God bless you.

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